
Seeding Grant 2023-24

link to the call (call closed):



Master Theses/Internship subjects


If you are interested in an internship of MA/BA thesis in bioinformatics or quantitative biology, please contact directly the following persons:


  • Matthieu Defrance: genomics, epigenomics (matthieu.defrance@ulb.be)
  • Sophie de Buyl: dynamical modeling of biological systems, microbial communities, ascidian embryogenesis, virus mobility (sophie.de.buyl@vub.be)
  • Wim Vranken: structural bioinformatics, impact deleterious mutations, protein design, protein dynamics and conformation (wim.vranken@vub.be)
  • Tom Lenaerts : precision medicine, oligogenic diseases, machine learning,  artificial intelligence (tom.lenaerts@ulb.be)
  • Pieter Libin : epidemiological modelling, virus bioinformatics, machine learning, policy optimisation (pieter.libin@vub.be)
  • Dimitri Gilis: structural bioinformatics, artificial intelligence methods, food allergens, olfactory receptors (dimitri.gilis@ulb.be)
  • Fabrizio Pucci: artificial intelligence methods, coevolutionary modeling, rational protein design, immunoinformatics (fabrizio.pucci@ulb.be)
  • Marianne Rooman: structural bioinformatics, quantum chemistry, mathematical modeling of biological systems, genetic variant interpretation (marianne.rooman@ulb.be)



Job offers


PhD position –  Modeling the bile acid circulation in humans and prediction of liver diseases – UCL/VUB

Info: phd_ucl_vub – filled! 


PhD position – The design of regulatory proteins and modelling their impact on dynamic biological systems

Info: phd_srp – filled!


We are recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to join our Oligogenic Group at the Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels. The researcher will work on the development and application of statistical and machine learning methods relevant to whole genome analysis to detect pathogenic modifiers associated with oligogenic diseases.

Postdoctoral bioinformatics position at the Interuniversity institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels
