The goal of the (IB)² is to bring together research groups in and around Brussels requiring bioinformatics and computational biology expertise. (IB)² is an interuniversity, cross-faculty (Medicine, Sciences, and Applied Sciences) collaborative space located on the La Plaine campus of the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Increasing the impact of bioinformatics research by bringing together experts from different fields to tackle various (bio) medical problems with the aim to advance fundamental research as well as assist clinicians in helping patients.
Enable interdisciplinary and interuniversity research collaborations in bioinformatics by providing a physical location for research, meetings, collaborations, seminars as well as high-performance computer facilities, including the ULB-VUB computing center.
Allow Technology Transfer through training, education, innovation and collaborations. The (IB)² has the ambition to evolve into a competitive structure of scientific excellence, recognized at national and international level.
The researchers at IB2 form a diverse cast of individuals coming from various scientific backgrounds. Together they offer numerous different skills and extensive knowledge covering a multitude of research domains. These include machine learning, structural bioinformatics, genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, oligogenic diseases, evolutionary dynamics, systems biology.
Publications per year
Genes, February 2025 by Verdyck P.
Nature Biotechnology, February 2025 by Lobentanzer S.
Freshwater Biology, February 2025 by Delić T.
Journal of Molecular Biology, 15 January 2025 by Gavalda-Garcia J.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2025 by Stassin S.
The Interuniversity Institute of Bioinformatics in Brussels is a new interdisciplinary research initiative supported by ULB and VUB universities hosted in the BC building of the ULB La Plaine Campus.
(IB)² works in close collaboration with affiliated teams at Brussels universities and hospitals.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us If you are interested in establishing a partnership.